
Creating API Tokens

This guide explains what an API token is, why you need one, and how to create one.

ImageFactory API Tokens

API tokens are used to authenticate requests to our APIs. When calling an API endpoint, you need to supply a valid API token in the HTTP Authorization header, with a valid token specified as the header value. For example:

Authorization: Bearer <token>

Creating an API token

To create an API token, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your account
  2. Click on your profile image to open a dropdown menu
  3. Click on the API Tokens menu option
  4. Enter a name for your token
  5. Enter where the webhook will be called in the webhook URL field
  6. Click on the Create button
Creating an API token
UI illustrating what you see when you create an API token.

A popup dialog will show up and it will show you your newly created API key along with your webhooks signing secret.

This is the only time the token and signing secret will ever be displayed, so be sure not to lose it!

Next steps

Once you have created an API token, you can use it to call our API endpoints. Visit the Requesting a render via API for an example.